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ISO 27001:2022

Services 27001:2022

Introduction of ISO 27001 Certification ISO 27001 Certified is a common word we hear as Customer, what is the meaning of ISO 27001? ISO 27001 Certified means an organization has met the requirements in ISO 27001 and has received third party certification for such demonstration. It defines an ISO 27001 Information security Management System (ISMS). ISO 27001:2022 is focused on meeting customer expectations and delivering customer satisfaction so you must pay attention to the customer Information security  Management System is appropriate and effective, while forcing you to identify and implement improvements Continuous improvement assures your customers benefit by receiving products/services that meet their requirement, and that you deliver consistent performance. Internally, the organization will profit from increased job satisfaction, improved morale, and improved operational results. Meeting legal and regulatory requirements benefit the community.

ISO 27001

This is applicable to all Organizations of any size, such as ISO 27001 for Hospital & Health Care in India, ISO 27001 for Trading in India, ISO 27001 for Manufacturing in India, ISO 27001 for Services Companies in India, ISO 27001 for Software Companies in India, ISO 27001 for Medical Devices in India, ISO 27001 for Construction in India can implement the system as per ISO 27001 and URS awards the in India for various product:

  • ISO 9001-2015
  • ISO 14001-2015
  • ISO 45001-2018
  • ISO 27001-2018
  • ISO 27001-2022


The history of ISO 27001, the international standard for information security management systems (ISMS), is as follows:

  •  ISO 27001:1995: The BSI group introduced BS7799, an earlier standard for information security, in response to the growing need for practical security. 


  • ISO 27001:2000: ISO adopted BS7799's first part as ISO/IEC 17799, a code of practice for information security management.


  • ISO 27001:2005: ISO adopted BS7799's second part as ISO/IEC 27001, a management system standard for information security.


  • ISO 27001:2007: ISO 17799 was renamed as ISO 27002


  • ISO 27001:2013: ISO/IEC 27001:2013 was published, incorporating minor changes in wording and formatting.


  • ISO 27001:2022: ISO/IEC 27001:2022 was published, bringing moderate changes to the standard, including:
  • More flexible risk management
  • Better monitoring tools
  • 93 controls in Annex A, with new additions focusing on digital security and proactive threat management

ISO 27001 is used to determine if an organization has an ISMS that can protect sensitive data. An ISMS is a set of rules that govern how an organization uses information, including how it's stored, retrieved, and assessed.


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